Something else about the so-called double passive in spanish


  • Enrique Pato Université de Montréal (Canadá)


Spanish, Grammar, Syntax, Double passive, Predicates


This brief note on the grammar of the double passive in Spanish (fue empezada a ser construida) summarizes, at first, the two previous works published on this construction: the one by Bosque and Gallego (2011), and Krivochen and Bravo (2019), for later contribute some new data to the description of this construction. Specifically, thanks to the corpus examples, the auxiliary predicates, the auxiliated participles and the prepositions selected in the double passive are reviewed. Likewise, other minor considerations are offered around the agreement, the intercalation of adverbs and their documentation in other Romance and non- Romance languages. We conclude with the idea that the phenomenon of the double passive can be understood as another case of complex predicative formation.


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How to Cite

Pato, E. (2021). Something else about the so-called double passive in spanish. Anales De Lingüística, (6), 243–259. Retrieved from