The role of youth in maintaining minority languages: The case of limonese creole in Costa Rica |


  • Luz Marina Vásquez Carranza Centro de Investigaciones sobre Diversidad Cultural y Estudios Regionales (CIDICER) Universidad de Costa Rica


minority languages, Limonese Creole, language revitalization, youth and language revitalization processes


In this article we analyze the role which the youth could play in the revitalization and strengthening of a minority language in Costa Rica, namely, Limonese Creole (LC). This minority language is a clearly debilitated language as a result of socio-political processes and, despite efforts by various sectors to guarantee its legitimacy, it is still not considered a regional nor a national language and it is not included in school curricula. This article describes the experience, with a group of 18 Afro-Limonese youngsters ages 13 to 22 who provide opinions about their LC through focus groups. By and large, they speak LC, though they admit that it is being replaced by the dominant language. The say they use LC mainly in contexts in which they wish to show a sense of belonging and identity among Afro Limonese peers, to interact with close relatives as well as with Afro friends and to exclude non-Afro peers. They speak LC inside as well as outside their communities to feel part of a group. Participants argue that their parents used to only speak to them in LC but in the last decades they do it in Spanish. Nonetheless, they believe that the youth could and should contribute to strengthening their language as it is part of their identity. These young adults propose a series of measures through which they can contribute to strengthening LC mainly within their families and communities.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Carranza, L. M. (2021). The role of youth in maintaining minority languages: The case of limonese creole in Costa Rica | . Anales De Lingüística, 2(7), 17–50. Retrieved from