Deep Learning-based Natural Language Understanding Models and a Prototype GPT-2 Deployment Fine-Tuned for a Specific Natural Language Generation Task


  • Fernando Balbachan niversidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Brasil y Natural Tech, Argentina
  • Natalia Flechas Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Ignacio Maltagliatti Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina y Natural Tech, Argentina
  • Francisco Pensa Natural Tech, Argentina
  • Lucas Ramírez Natural Tech, Argentina


Deep Learning, ELMo, BERT, BERT-2, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Generation (NLG)


Since 2013, the connectionist paradigm in Natural Language Processing (NLP) has resurged in academic circles by means of new architectures to be adopted later by the software industry with the use of great computing power. It is a truly algorithmic revolution, known as Deep Learning. Several models have been offered in a speedy race in order to improve state-of-the-art metrics for general domain NLP tasks, according to the most frequentlly used standards (BLEU, GLUE, SuperGLUE). From 2018 onwards, Deep Learning models have attracted even more attention through the so-called Transformers revolution (ELMo, BERT y GPT-2). In this paper, we propose a brief yet exhaustive survey on the models that have been evolving during this last decade. We also describe in detail a complete from scratch implementation for the most recent open-source model GPT-2, fine-tuned for a specific NLG task of slogan generation for commercial products.


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How to Cite

Balbachan, F., Flechas, N., Maltagliatti, I. ., Pensa, F., & Ramírez, L. (2021). Deep Learning-based Natural Language Understanding Models and a Prototype GPT-2 Deployment Fine-Tuned for a Specific Natural Language Generation Task . Anales De Lingüística, 2(7), 145–174. Retrieved from