KIND: A project for the automatic induction of lexical taxonomies


  • Rogelio Nazar Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


automatic induction of lexical taxonomies, hypernym relations, hypernymy discovery, computational lexicography, lexical semantics


This paper presents a description of the Kind Project, an algorithm for automatic induction of lexical taxonomies from corpora. Taxonomy induction consists of the discovery of hypernymy relations between single or multiword noun pairs, and the integration of these pairs into larger structures. The proposed methodology is fundamentally statistical and the requirement of linguistic resources is minimal, a characteristic that facilitates the reproduction of experiments in different languages. The languages for which results have been obtained so far are Spanish, English and French. The implementation of the algorithm and an online demo are available as open source on the projects’ website.


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How to Cite

Nazar, R. (2021). KIND: A project for the automatic induction of lexical taxonomies. Anales De Lingüística, 2(7), 175–201. Retrieved from