Markers of arrangement versus markers of refonnulation in the PhD dissertation colloquia in Spanish


  • Liliana Cubo de Severino CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


discourse markers, inferences, oral scientific-academic discourse


In this paper we contrast the use of two kinds of organizational discourse markers: ordering markers and reformulation markers in PhD dissertation colloquia in Spanish. The aim is to analyze the meaning or processing ins1ruction that guide inferences, according to the direction in which the necessary information to make inferences is seeking. The hypothesis is that ordering markers allow the speaker to ínstruct processing forward , guiding the audience towards predictive inferences that establish relations with subsequent discourse. Reformulation markers guide the audience towards retrospective inferences, backward, establishing relations with the previous discourse. The analysis aims at describing the effect of shifts in the direction of processing in the organization of a type of oral academic-scientific discourse in videotaped defenses of twelve different disciplines thesis defended at the National University of Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina) between 2007 and 2010. We contrast the differences in the use of markers in different discursive units:
discursive members, interventions and exchanges.


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How to Cite

Cubo de Severino, L. (2014). Markers of arrangement versus markers of refonnulation in the PhD dissertation colloquia in Spanish. Anales De Lingüística, (1), 79–94. Retrieved from


