Modulaciones del discurso en El biombo de Jorgelina Loubet
Speech, Modulations of the speech, Free indirect speech, Argentina Literature, Jorgelina LoubetAbstract
The narrative of Jorgelina loubet (Argentjne 1918-1997) presents an ample field for the analysis of the narrative speech in its different modalities. In the present work 1 propase to analyze the special discursive configuration of the text in relation with the narrative voice and the focalization. With this purpose, we circumscribe our analysis to the novel El biombo (1963) in which 1 operate the cJassification of the speech contributed by Beltrán Almeria (1992) who considers eighteen discursive varieties to express the voice or the thought in the impersonal narrative and in the personal. AJthough this classification is ample and detalled it has been insufficient for me at the time of approaching the detailed analysis of the alluded novel. Such fact has made me recognize a new modulation of free indirect speech that is not described by the alluded theoreticians, to which 1 have denominated indirect speech quasi free. This tenninology is inspired by the denomination that Graciela Reyes (1984) uses to talk about the free indirect speech: oratio quasi recta-. Denomination that the author uses to indicate the proximity of free indirect speech, with direct speech, -oratio recta.. in place of the possible identification that could be made of the free indirect speech, with indirect speech, guaranteed by the terminological similarity. In the same way, ín the case that 1 analyze - and adapting to me the terminology of Reyes (1984 )- 1 use the Latín adverb qua si in arder to a Ilude to a proper discursive modulation of the personal narrative that, being very near free indirect speech, it presents sorne conditions that make it different, as 1 will try to demonstrate.
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