Scouting for Data: Creation Process of a Non-Native Speakers’ Specialized Spoken Corpus
corpus-based study, ESP, specialized spoken English corpus, corpus compilation, transcriptionAbstract
The availability of specialized oral material in the field of recreational flying in general and, specifically in the sub-field of hang gliding, is scarce. Therefore, in order to conduct a study of spoken English produced by non-native speakers within the international hang gliding community, it became necessary for the author to collect her own data and compile the specialized corpus she would then analyze. The process involved several phases, which began with the definition of the universal and sample populations, then the design and implementation of an interview, followed by the transcription of the recordings leading to the creation of the finalized files. This article presents a detailed description of the compilation process of this corpus-based research and covers some material which could be helpful to others pursuing or considering to embark in similar projects. It also includes some examples of preliminary findings, since it is still an ongoing project.
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