Hydrogeology and aquifer conceptual model of Petorca´s upper basin (Valparaíso, Chile)
Región de Valparaíso, Chile
hydrogeology, Petorca acuifer, undergrounwater, water balance, conceptual modelAbstract
In Chile there has been an intense drought process for more than ten years, being the central area, where Petorca is located,one of the most affected. The purpose of this study is to contribute information to improve the water management of the basin,
detailing the operation of the upper part of the Petorca aquifer, the type of recharge that prevails, the circulation of groundwater and the factors that affect its composition and availability. To achieve this, information gathering work and field campaigns were
developed, the data of which were used for the formulation of piezometric maps, the hydrochemical characterization of groundwater, a water balance between the years 2010-2018 and finally, the elaboration of the model concept of the Petorca aquifer.
The results of the study reveal that the Petorca aquifer is unconfined, where its geometric configuration is controlled by regional structures from NS to NW strike. In addition, it is proposed that the influence of meteorological and anthropic factors has
generated a decrease in the quality, availability of groundwater over time, the anthropic factors are the one that has generated the greatest impact on the natural characteristics of Groundwater.
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