Secciones de la revista


It is a special issue of the Boletín that is produced on a topic of interest to which references are invited to it, the call is disseminated so that interested researchers can present their articles that will be evaluated like the other works of the Bulletin (evaluation of our Publication Committee and two external evaluators)

Scientific articles

It is an original research work resulting from a theoretical inquiry or a practical investigation. It has a discourse from expert to expert. The text may be about Geography or other sciences linked to territorial themes. It may contain maps, graphs, etc. It will be evaluated first by the members of the Editorial Committee, then it will be sent to professionals in related subjects for external evaluation, with the double-blind modality.

Articles by advanced students

It is an original research work by an advanced student of Geography (third or fourth year). It may be the result of a chair work. It may contain maps, graphs, etc. It will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee and must comply with the publication standards set by the Editorial Committee.

Note of interest

It is a very brief text of an informative nature on a topic of geographic interest.

Undergraduate thesis

It is a text resulting from the work presented to obtain the degree of: "Licenciado" and that has obtained a final grade between 9 and 10. It may contain maps, graphs, etc.

Bibliographic reviews

It is a brief text, a commentary on a book that is relevant to geographic science and has been published in the last three years. Works by regional authors will be prioritized. The text must highlight the most important aspects of the work. It must include an image of the book cover.

Postgraduate thesis reviews

It is a brief text that shows the relevant aspects of a master's or doctoral thesis already defended. It may contain maps, graphs, etc. and must comply with the publication standards set by the Editorial Committee.