The horrifying reenchantment of Argentinian short stories: Mariana Enríquez


  • Juana Ramella Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires


horror, witches, phallogocentrism, Argentinian literature


This article aims to catch a glimpse of the innovative way in which horror reappears in Argentine literature of the last few years by analyzing Los peligros de fumar en la cama, by Mariana Enríquez, particularly in the stories "El Carrito" and "La Virgen de la tosquera". In this book, which was published in 2009 and includes a dozen short stories, there appears a discourse which reveals itself and fights against hegemonic discourses in the field of meaning. There appears a different logos hand in hand with witchcraft and folk beliefs which permeates the stories and subverts the discourse of phallogocentrism. The stories experiment with horror, a genre historically employed by hegemonic discourse, in the hands of women and poor people, who seem to ask what happens if horror is exercised by the oppressed: horror literature, in this innovating shape, attempts against oppressing structures.

Author Biography

Juana Ramella, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Letras-UBA.


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How to Cite

Ramella, J. (2019). The horrifying reenchantment of Argentinian short stories: Mariana Enríquez. Boletín GEC, (23), 122–138. Retrieved from