Images of melancholia in Charles Simic’s The World Doesn’t End


  • Gustavo Bernal Díaz Institución Educativa Monseñor Ramón Arcila


Charles Simic, return, daydream, melancholia, surrealism


The collection of poems The World Doesn’t End by Charles Simic radiates melancholia. The different images invoke the return to childhood (that of the individual and the human collective) and show the existential abandonment caused by the absence of God and its subsequent loneliness through scenes of a world of sunsets, of shades, and of natures that casts doubts upon human rationality. The surrealism of the images is a consequence of the author’s chronic insomnia who uses daydreaming as a source for his poetics. This poetics with its melancholic and disillusioned nature reveals a deep discontent with reality turning daydreaming into a collection of images that portray visions of a dark and pessimistic future.


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How to Cite

Bernal Díaz, G. (2020). Images of melancholia in Charles Simic’s The World Doesn’t End . Boletín GEC, (25), 11–27. Retrieved from


