Dramatic literature for the preservation of memory in the Valencian stages of the 21st century: The theatre of Mafalda Bellido





historical memory, democratic memory, current theatre, Mafalda Bellido


The Spain’s political transition to a democratic context favoured a policy of consensus and reconciliation that led to the absence of a critical discourse on the Civil War and the subsequent dictatorship. The passing of the Law on Historical Memory in 2007 and the gradual disappearance of the survivors of the armed conflict have accentuated the social need to recover the collective memory of this historical period. Theatre, as a cultural manifestation, has joined this trend and, especially since the success of Sanchis Sinisterra’s ¡Ay, Carmela! (1987), has contributed a considerable number of plays dealing with the subject. This article will examine various issues related to the narratological categories of memory. It then refers to the theatrical manifestations that take place in this sense in the Spanish state in general and in the Valencian Community in particular. Finally, it analyses the playwright Mafalda Bellido’s production on the theme of memory of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime.

Author Biography

Isabel Marcillas-Piquer, Universidad de Alicante

Isabel Marcillas-Piquer is a teacher in the Department of Catalan Philology at the Universitat d'Alacant, where she is a member of the research groups Memory, Identity and Fictions and History and Poetics of Memory (HISPOME). Her current line of work focuses on the Catalan dramatic literature written by women, particularly that linked to the democratic memory. She is part of the University Institute for Research in Gender Studies (IUIEG) of the UA.


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How to Cite

Marcillas-Piquer, I. (2024). Dramatic literature for the preservation of memory in the Valencian stages of the 21st century: The theatre of Mafalda Bellido. Boletín GEC, (33), 173–200. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.058