War and theatre in the 21st century





war, contemporary theatre, dramaturgies, performances, political dimension


The dossier War and theatre in the 21st century invites us to delve into the contemporary dramaturgies and performances that address the theme of war in Latin America and Europe. From multiple hermeneutic perspectives, the aim is to better understand how some of the theatrical realities of both continents have dealt with the phenomenon of war in their texts and productions, with special emphasis on its political dimension. This introduction to the dossier sets out the intentions and general lines that have guided its preparation, highlights the most relevant aspects of the whole, the specific contributions of each of the articles and some final considerations on the affinities and differences observed between the dramaturgies and shows from Latin America and Europe. The wide corpus of works analyzed in the dossier, with very diverse and plural points of view, highlights the complexity and richness of the binomial war and theatre in our contemporaneity.

Author Biographies

Francesc Foguet i Boreu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Francesc Foguet i Boreu is Professor of Literature and Theatre Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). With a PhD in Catalan Philology from this university and a diploma in Theatre Theory and Criticism from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, he has specialised in the study of modern and contemporary Catalan theatre, the repression of Catalan writers and theatre censorship during the Franco dictatorship and the Republican theatrical exile. He has published several books on theatre during the Spanish War (1936-1939) and, among her most recent works, El teatro catalán en el exilio republicano de 1939 (2016) and Maria Aurèlia Capmany, escriptora compromesa (1963-1977) (2018). He has also published several books and articles on the Catalan actress Margarida Xirgu, and is preparing an essay on her legacy in Uruguay. For ten years he coordinated the Master’s Degree in Theatre Studies at the UAB and the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, as well as the Grup de Recerca en Arts Escèniques (emerging SGR). He is currently director of the Centre de Recerca en Arts Escèniques at the UAB and coordinates, together with Sandra María Ortega, the Red Internacional de Investigadores de Teatro Latinoamericanos y Europeos (International Network of Latin American and European Theatre Researchers, RIITLE).

Sandra María Ortega Garzón, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Sandra María Ortega Garzón is an actress, theatre director, researcher and teacher. She holds a PhD in Theatre Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, a Master's degree in Shakespearean Theatre from the University of Exeter (England), a Master's degree in Dramatic Art and a degree in Modern Languages. Professor at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in Bogotá. Her main fields of research are imaginaries and their representations in art, political violence, violence of and from bodies, the animal and the animal body, migrations. She is a researcher of the European project TransMigrARTS, of the research line ‘Critical studies of corporealities, sensibilities and performativities’ and of the International Network of Latin American and European Theatre Researchers (RIITLE). Her publications include: Ficción vírica e inmunización social en los ‘proyectos piloto’ de Enrique Buenaventura y Enrique Lozano (2022) and De hombres y de bestias: figuras animales de lo político en el teatro colombiano contemporáneo (2020).


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Clausewitz von, C. (2005). De la guerra (Trad. C. Fortea). La Esfera de los Libros.

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Hirsh, M. (2021). La generación de la posmemoria (Trad. P. Cáceres). Carpe Noctem.

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Münkler, H. (2005). Viejas y nuevas guerras: Asimetría y privatización de la violencia (Trad. C. Martín). Siglo XXI.

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How to Cite

Foguet i Boreu, F., & Ortega Garzón, S. M. (2024). War and theatre in the 21st century. Boletín GEC, (33), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.051