Trans-foundation of Argentina.

Nation, authorship and masculinities in Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s novel Las aventuras de la China Iron


  • Luis Enrique Escamilla Frias City University of New York



Argentina, Nation, Masculinity, Authorship, Gender


Based on the fact that there are narrations over which the configuration of a nation is based (Benedict Anderson), this work’s author carries out an analysis on Las aventuras de la China Iron and on its proposal to go over the narration over which certain notions about “the argentinian” have been built. It is analyzed, particularly, the constructions of both genders man and woman. To carry out such an analyzis, this work has been devided in two main parts: the first one is a review on masculinities and gender that are in Martín Fierro —the Argentina’s fundational text—, and the second part is an study on the proposals that Cabezón Cámara’s novel carries out to distort the concepts of nation, masculinities and authorship, all they triggered by the José Hernández’s work and which have been osified in Argentina by means of various ways made by the argentinian status quo.

Author Biography

Luis Enrique Escamilla Frias, City University of New York

Luis E. Escamilla Frias is currently student of the PhD Program in Latin American, Iberian and Latino Cultures at The Graduate Center-City University of New York (CUNY), in US. He's also teacher of Spanish and Portuguese at Brooklyn College and College of Staten Island (both part of CUNY). Furthermore, he is literary critic in El Economista, a Mexico City-based newspaper. Previously he had a master degree on Modern Literatures at Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México, and before that, he got a couple of bachelors: one on History of Mexico at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico) and on the other side a bachelor on Hispanic Languages and Literatures at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).



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How to Cite

Escamilla Frias, L. E. (2021). Trans-foundation of Argentina.: Nation, authorship and masculinities in Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s novel Las aventuras de la China Iron. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–27.