(Pos)dictatorship: anti-establishment and dissenting strategies in the dramaturgy of Susana Torres Molina





(Post)dictatorship, Theater, Violence, Trauma, Testimony


Considering the political nature of theater and the performative action in the theatrical space, this essay analyzes Argentinian dramatist Susana Torres Molina's trilogy Esa extraña forma de pasión (2013), La fundación (2019), and Un domingo en familia. The objective of this analysis is to observe the textual and performative practice of theater as a space for creation, negotiation, and encounter to display the effects of systematized violence against social and marginalized sectors of political opposition, taking into account a neoliberal culture, as well as necropolitical and religious models. Although it has been almost forty years since the return of democracy in Argentina, the social trauma, beyond being identified by the event that caused it, persists in the structure of its experience, reception, consumption, and progressive repetition in the present. In the last decade, Torres Molina has reconstructed and redefined the Argentine dictatorial past through her theater, which invites us to reflect on the relevance of the painful but necessary retroactive looks and their effects in the XXI century.

Author Biography

Osvaldo Sandoval-Leon, Colgate University

Osvaldo Sandoval-León recibió la Maestría en Literatura Latinoamericana de CalState University, Fullerton. Obtuvo el Doctorado en Estudios Hispánicos de Michigan State University. Actualmente se desempeña como profesor asistente de literatura y cultura hispánicas en Colgate University (Estados Unidos). Su área de investigación se centra en el teatro trasatlántico producido en la posdictadura en el Cono Sur (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay) y España entre 1990 y 2010 a partir de los estudios de la memoria y el trauma representados en el teatro y el performance artístico.


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How to Cite

Sandoval-Leon, O. (2021). (Pos)dictatorship: anti-establishment and dissenting strategies in the dramaturgy of Susana Torres Molina. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (35), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.34.032