Dimensions of the Benedettian Essay: the Performative, the Autopoetic and the Agonizing. Analysis Proposals for the Discursive Practice of a Committed Intellectual





Committed intellectual, essay, discursive practice, Benedetti


The prolific incursion that Mario Benedetti makes in essay writing throughout his entire production and the complexity that this material manifests, highlights the character of intellectual discursive practice that this genre represents. The Uruguayan author continues with a continental tradition that approaches the essay as a privileged mode of social and cultural intervention by intellectuals (Maíz, 2004 and 2010; Weinberg, 2007 and 2019; Scarano, 1991 and 2010; Aínsa, 2014) and uses it to channel his reflections and positionings under the conception of the work of art as a tool for the transformation of the surrounding reality. Consequently, his books of essays become a processual result that requires, for a thorough analysis of its entirety, the contemplation of different dimensions that cross it. Our proposal supposes, then, an approach to the Benedettian essay from three of them: the performative, the autopoetic and the agonistic. Through the consideration of these edges into which the essay can be broken down as a discursive practice of a committed intellectual (Correa Lust, 2020), we will seek to delve into the particular value that this genre provides to the study of the work of one of the writers more committed to the revolutionary cause of the '60s and '70s in our continent.


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How to Cite

Correa Lust, C. (2024). Dimensions of the Benedettian Essay: the Performative, the Autopoetic and the Agonizing. Analysis Proposals for the Discursive Practice of a Committed Intellectual. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (40), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.34.096