A Challenge for Land-Use Planning: Sustainable Management of Cargo Mobility in Productive Oasis Circuits


  • Mariana Galdeano Ruiz Universidad Nacional de San Juan
  • Mirta Romero Universidad Nacional de San Juan


Mobility, Productive circuits, Development, Territorial dynamics, Policies


Given the current strong population growth, urbanization processes, and market demands, it cannot be considered that the consequences derived from poorly planned and deregulated transport systems are only economic. The impact of the current collapsed transport system reinforces energy consumption, environmental impact, socio-spatial exclusions, deteriorates the quality of life, increases the accident rate, the loss of space for pedestrians, and the deterioration of public space.

Soil and transport policies are a key to territorial development. There are not enough diagnoses and studies on mobility demand management, since it is the State that should define the territorial, energy, economic, and social profile of these transport models, and determine the impact of economic expansion and productive development on distribution and consumption circuits for the promotion and prioritization of the most appropriate means of transport in each case.

This work presents a critical analysis and consideration on the crisis of transport systems through the identification of state agencies with jurisdiction over the sector, and current programs in planning. We begin with the consideration of the systemic complexity of the transport of goods and people, which highlights the need for an integral approach that considers all the actors of the territorial system and remains attentive to the dynamics of the community, territory, market, and of the productive systems. The absence of policies and short-term planning continue to exponentially increase the needs for the displacement of people and goods, the logistics costs in consumer circuits, and the environmental impact of fossil fuel consumption.

As a result, aspects that are considered fundamental to be reviewed by the institutions in charge of planning, management, administration, and regulation of transport systems are identified.


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How to Cite

Galdeano Ruiz, M., & Romero , M. . (2018). A Challenge for Land-Use Planning: Sustainable Management of Cargo Mobility in Productive Oasis Circuits. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 12(24), 100. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/proyeccion/article/view/2465



Investigation Results