Conservation and Vulnerability of a Desert Ecosystem

Based on Landscape Ecology Planning, in San Felipe, B.C. Mexico.




Terrestrial Ecosystem, Nature Conservation, Regional Planning, Geographic Information Systems, Landscape


Desert landscapes and ecosystems during urbanization processes are prone to be exploited because they are considered arid and unfruitful lands, resulting in their degradation. To analyze these problems and propose solutions, the principles of Landscape Ecology (LE) are used, which allow us to understand the territory from a geographical and holistic perspective. These principles allow the analysis of landscape and to determine its state of conservation and vulnerability, as well as preventing human settlements from being located in risk areas. The methodology is applied in San Felipe, Mexico, located in the Sonoran Desert. The biophysical environment was studied through Intrinsic Suitability Analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Obtaining as a result that the mountains are the most suitable areas for conservation and with the highest degree of vulnerability, because the most representative factors of the biophysical environment converge, and they are the most fragile areas due to their materials and the presence of geological faults. Determining that, the use of the LE as a basis for planning is recommended because it identifies, and analyzes the components and phenomena that cause interrelationships in the landscape.


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How to Cite

Posada, K., Arias-Vallejo, A. M., & Villegas Olivar, E. O. (2023). Conservation and Vulnerability of a Desert Ecosystem: Based on Landscape Ecology Planning, in San Felipe, B.C. Mexico. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 17(34), 25–46.