Aquiles/Héctor and Arjuna/Karṇa: two visions of epic heroism


  • Roberto Morales Harley Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


Achilles/Hektor, Arjuna/Kar?a, Greek Epic Hero, Indian Epic Hero


The paper analyzes Achilles and Hektor in Iliad IX and XVI, as well as Arjuna and Karṇa in Mahābhārata VI and VIII, aiming to compare both visions of heroism. On the basis of the analysis of quotes pertaining to these sources, two typologies are formulated: the ten qualities of the Greek epic hero, and the ten qualities of the Indian epic hero. As a conclusion, death and grief are proposed as thematic axes that are common to both the two pairs of characters and the two typologies of heroism.

Author Biography

Roberto Morales Harley, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Es Magister en Ciencias, profesor asociado en la Escuela de Filología de Universidad de Costa Rica, República de Costa Rica. Su campo de investigación incluye los estudios sobre lengua y literatura sánscritas, así como grecolatinas.


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How to Cite

Morales Harley, R. (2020). Aquiles/Héctor and Arjuna/Karṇa: two visions of epic heroism. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (48), 31–54. Retrieved from



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