Some vergilian details


  • Pier Angelo Perotti


Aquaemenides, Harpies, Nisus and Euryalus, Ulysses


Some passages of the Aeneid are examined here –mainly the episode about Aquaemenides, the Harpies adventure and the race in the funeral games held in Anchises’s honor- and compared to those similar in the Homeric poems. The author intends to show both the analogy and the diferencies between the Virgilian poem and the Homeric ones, as well as to point out an incongruous detail about Ulysses’ companion left behind in the Cyclops’ island.

Author Biography

Pier Angelo Perotti

Inglés     He has a degree in Classical Literature from the Università degli Studi (Milan - Italy, 1970). He currently works as a teacher of Latin and Greek at the Liceo-Ginnasio "I. Lagrangia" (Vercelli - Italy). His area of "‹"‹research includes: Classical Philology, Italian Language and Culture Studies, New Testament Exegesis, Vercelli Dialect.         He has a degree in Classical Literature from the Università degli Studi (Milan - Italy, 1970). He currently works as a teacher of Latin and Greek at the Liceo-Ginnasio "I. Lagrangia" (Vercelli - Italy). His area of "‹"‹research includes: Classical Philology, Italian Language and Culture Studies, New Testament Exegesis, Vercelli Dialect


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How to Cite

Perotti, P. A. . (2020). Some vergilian details. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (48), 75–89. Retrieved from



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