Hymnic forms in the third stasimon of Euripides’ Helen


  • Marcela Alejandra Ristorto National University of Rosario


choral singing, Euripides, hymn


The objective of this paper is to analyze the relevance of the κλητικός hymn to the Dioscuros in the third stasimon (1451-1511), requesting the presence and help of the divine brothers of the heroine, for the understanding of Helen. While only vv. 1495-1511 constitute the hymn, the whole stasimon can be understood as an ‘apotropaic’ song since, imagining the happy return to Sparta and the participation of Leda's daughter in Spartan rituals, to some extent contributes to its fulfillment. On the other hand, it is worth noting the importance of the other deities mentioned in this ode: Hyacinth and the Leucippides, linked to the rites of passage, to the initiations that simultaneously imply death and rebirth.

Author Biography

Marcela Alejandra Ristorto, National University of Rosario

She is a Doctor of Letters with an Orientation in Classical Studies and associate professor of European Literature I (Greco-Latin literature) at the School of Letters of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts, at the National University of Rosario, Argentina.



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How to Cite

Ristorto, M. A. . (2020). Hymnic forms in the third stasimon of Euripides’ Helen. Revista De Estudios Clásicos, (48), 91–119. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/revistaestudiosclasicos/article/view/4028



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