Study of the perception of tourism by the residents of the town of Barreal, department of Calingasta (San Juan)


  • Carlos Esteban Bassan Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes. Programa PRITUR
  • Alejandro Jorge Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes. Programa PRITUR


perception, tourism, impacts, community, awareness


Tourism constitutes an important engine to grow in numerous municipalities in Argentina. However, local communities’ perception and views are not taken into account in the process of planning and developing of the tourism activity. This article is the result of a research carried out by a university board from the local Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes from the national university, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. They achieved its main objectives that were: getting to know the residents’ perception on tourism; inquiring about the benefits and damages that it generates; the level of importance and participation in its development. In order to achieve this, an investigation of a qual-quantitative type was raised, through the design and implementation of 401 surveys to barrealian residents, while the qualitative aspect was covered by 11 interviews to diverse local representatives. Crossing and analysing the collected data allowed them to affirm that Barreal has an important support and vocation for the tourism activity, but that at the same time it needs (almost 100%) to carry out a tourist awareness campaign in the place.


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Otros Documentos/ Material:

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How to Cite

Bassan, C. E., & Rodríguez, A. J. (2020). Study of the perception of tourism by the residents of the town of Barreal, department of Calingasta (San Juan). Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 1(1), 217–251. Retrieved from



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