Creative tourism: foundations and developing possibilities in Argentina



creative tourism, cultural tourism, cultural heritage, experience design


Creative tourism is a modality within cultural tourism that is characterized by an offer based on learning experiences around recreational activities inspired in the local culture and its diverse manifestations. In this article whose methodology was based on bibliographic research, the theoretical foundations of this model of tourism development are addressed, as well as the essential differences between creative tourism and cultural tourismin its most conventional expression. Likewise, the strengths and weaknesses present in Argentina for the development of this modality are analyzed, together with the challenges and opportunities that the current context contains. Cultural heritage plays a fundamental role as a source of inspiration for the creation of creative tourism proposals and therefore some examples of potential representative cultural resources from the different regions of the country are included. On the other hand, basic guidelines are addressed for the planning, management and promotion of tourism products based on the experience design. Finally, it comes to the conclusion that creative tourism represents an interesting alternative to diversify Argentina's tourism offer, according to the needs of today's tourists.


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How to Cite

Mansilla, M. N. (2021). Creative tourism: foundations and developing possibilities in Argentina. Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 2(2), 125–153. Retrieved from