Analysis of the possible contributions of hunting tourism. Tourism of special interest to countries: The case of Turkey



hunting tourism, special interest tourism, economy, Turkey, rural tourism


Hunting tourism is considered a luxury sport and a type of alternative tourism framed in the field of special interest and also in the economic field by providing foreign exchange inputs, in many countries. A type of tourism as important as "hunting tourism" must be applied in an extremely meticulous manner. As a framework to support sustainable tourism, the rules must be followed without exception and pay close attention to the animal population. It should also be noted that hunters coming to Turkey also wish to be included in cultural tourism. In the field of sustainability, this hunting tourism brings an economic benefit due to its income contribution as well as its significant help to the ecological balance.

The aim of this article is to survey the studies conducted on this type of tourism. For this purpose, document analysis was used, first using a qualitative method and then bibliometric analysis. The result determined that most of the studies were carried out by a single author and published in the year 2019, using a qualitative method.


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How to Cite

Yildiz, N. (2023). Analysis of the possible contributions of hunting tourism. Tourism of special interest to countries: The case of Turkey. Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 4(2), 53–72. Retrieved from