Proposal to update the Ten-Year Tourism Development Plan for Barrancabermeja - Santander 2022-2032


  • Daniel Hernando Corzo Arévalo Corporación Universitaria de Ciencia y Desarrollo - UNICIENCIA


Barrancabermeja, development plan, tourism, public politics


The municipality of Barrancabermeja faces challenges in its tourism offer, the competitiveness of the value chain and the positioning as a tourist destination. To address this problem, a study was carried out with the aim of assessing the state of the tourism offer, identifying weaknesses and strengths, and proposing actions to improve its positioning and take advantage of the identity elements. The methodology used included a diagnosis in 2018 with secondary sources, fieldwork, constant interaction with stakeholders, workshops, interviews and a survey in 2022. The results revealed a developed support infrastructure and natural resources with potential to be integrated into the tourism offer. However, weaknesses were identified in the positioning and promotion of Barrancabermeja's identity as a tourist destination. In terms of discussion, the importance of interaction with the actors of the sector and the tourism potential of the municipality is highlighted. The main conclusions indicate the need to improve the positioning of tourism and to make effective use of the elements of identity. It is recommended to implement marketing and promotion strategies, strengthen collaboration between stakeholders and promote the tourism potential of Barrancabermeja.


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How to Cite

Corzo Arévalo, D. H. (2024). Proposal to update the Ten-Year Tourism Development Plan for Barrancabermeja - Santander 2022-2032. Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 5(1), 42–80. Retrieved from