About the Journal

Focus and scope

The journal publishes original theoretical and methodological contributions as well as case studies in archaeology and related disciplines, in Spanish and English. Our objective is to disseminate recent advances, syntheses of long-term projects, and specialized contributions in the subfields of archaeology to the scientific community, students, and the interested public.

The call for original and unpublished papers is permanent. Contributions should not have been previously published (in whole or in part) or submitted for consideration by other publications, regardless of their scope.

One issue is published per semester (June and December) in digital format as well as an annual printed volume (which brings together both issues). Papers must comply with the Editorial Guidelines established by the editorial committee and they are submitted for anonymous review by external specialists.


Peer review process

Articles that, in the opinion of the Editorial Committee, fit the subject matter of the journal and meet the formal requirements will be submitted to external, single-blind, peer review. Three revisions may be requested. The article may be approved, approved with corrections, or rejected by the reviewers. If corrections are required, the article will be returned to the authors, who should follow the reviewers' suggestions. Based on the reviewers' opinions, the Editorial Committee will approve or reject the article for publication.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content. It does not charge any processing fees.


Scientific Committee

  • Dr. Jaume Buxeda i Garrigós (Universitat de Barcelona. Catalunya, España)
  • Dr. Felipe Criado-Boado (Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Santiago de Compostela, España)
  • Dra. Fernanda Falabella (Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile)
  • Dr. Adolfo Gil (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza, Rca. Argentina)
  • Dr. Jesús F. Jordá Pardo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid, España)
  • Dr. Sebastián Pastor (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones científicas y Técnicas. Catamarca, Rca. Argentina)
  • Dra. Norma Ratto (Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Rca. Argentina



History of the journal

Anales de Arqueología y Etnología is published by the Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) in Mendoza, Argentina. Founded by Salvador Canals Frau in 1940 as Anales del Instituto de Etnología Americana, the history of the journal is as old as academic activity at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Institutionally, it is tied to the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras and the Instituto de Arqueología y Etnología, as well as the academics whose will and persistence made the journal grow. Among them, two editors stand out for their long tenures and overall influence, Prof. Salvador Canals Frau and Dr. Juan Schobinger.

The journal's original mission was to "express and reflect the research work on Cuyo and neighboring regions, the rest of the country or the Americas" (Schobinger, 1956), but in the first few decades, it accepted theoretical and methodological contributions and case studies from different parts of the world. With an uninterrupted trajectory since its founding, the journal maintains its policy of publishing original contributions in archaeology, anthropology, and related disciplines. Through the institutional exchange system, the printed journal has maintained visibility and accessibility in 149 national institutions and 21 other countries.

As of 2017, Anales de Arqueología y Etnología has changed its editorial policy with the publication of a biannual issue in digital format, in addition to the traditional annual printed issue. Likewise, the journal is integrated into the digital repository of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo whose open access allows wider and easier dissemination.


Ethical Aspects

Anales de Arqueología y Etnología rejects behaviors that violate scientific ethics and undesirable behaviors in academic publishing, among them: fraud, falsification of data, piracy, and plagiarism. Other unethical behaviors by authors are simultaneously submitting research to multiple publications, redundant publication, self-plagiarism, and omitting references; by reviewers and authors, this includes not declaring conflicts of interest.

We appeal to the authors to behave ethically and to reviewers to identify plagiarism and other unethical behavior. Open-source software is used to detect plagiarism.

All authors and co-authors are responsible for the complete content of the article. It is understood that each co-author contributed substantially to the article’s conception and design, data analysis and interpretation, writing, or critical revision as well as reviewing the final version.

Our journal adheres to the good practices for scientific publications (Committee on Publications Ethics COPE https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).


Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses provided to the journal will be used solely for the purposes stated here and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.