Code of ethics

This code is based on the International Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications of the COPE Publication Ethics Committee -Committee on Publication Ethics : It is aimed at editors, reviewers and authors involved in scientific publication.

The editors undertake to respect the following rules:

Publication decision: Selection of the most scientifically qualified reviewers and specialists to issue a critical and expert appraisal of the work, with the least possible biases.

Honesty: Evaluation of the articles submitted based on the scientific merit of the contents, in line with the editorial policy of the journal

Confidentiality: Non-disclosure of information related to articles submitted for publication to persons other than authors, reviewers and other editors. Anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the entire process.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Non-use of contents of articles sent for publication without the written consent of the author.

– Times of the editorial process: Timely communication of the reception, evaluation, decision and estimation, correction or rejection of the works received in a time that overall does not exceed 180 days, counted from the moment the author is notified. upon receipt of the shipment.

The Reviewers commit to the following standards:

- Contribution to the editorial decision: Evaluation of the works received in a critical, constructive and unbiased manner, in order to guarantee scientific and literary quality in their area of knowledge.

Time management: Evaluation of works in the shortest possible time to respect delivery deadlines, given that the Magazine of American and Argentine History promotes the optimization of editorial management.

Objectivity: Evaluation of the text under the double-blind pair system, in a complete, clear and concise manner according to the grid provided by the Journal of American and Argentine History, without mediating personal judgments about the author(s). The evaluations will be justified in a report that is as exhaustive as possible so that it allows the author(s) to clearly understand the suggested modifications or corrections, or, in the event that the work is rejected, understand the reasons for said decision. Likewise, if there is any conflict of interest, the review of the work must be rejected.

Confidentiality: Do not discuss the content of the works with other people without the express consent of the authors or editors.

Display of text or bibliographic references: Accurate indication of bibliographic references of fundamental works not included by the author and inform the editors of any similarity or overlaps of the manuscript with other published works.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Do not use the content of the works for personal purposes and refuse to review a manuscript if there are conflicts of interest.

The authors agree to respect the following rules:

Originality and plagiarism: Sending a text for publication that is unpublished and original, without parts from other author(s) or other fragments of works already published by the author(s). Confirmation of the veracity of the data and results presented in the work, without distortion or manipulation of empirical data or sources to corroborate hypotheses or conjectures.

Commitment to exclusivity: Exclusive submission of the work to the Magazine of American and Argentine History; That is, the writing cannot be submitted simultaneously to another magazine for selection. Likewise, it cannot contain, even partially, results already published in other articles. This is an unacceptable form of self-plagiarism.

– List of sources: Correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.

Authorship: Hierarchy of authors based on responsibility and involvement in its preparation and inclusion of all people who have made significant contributions of a scientific and intellectual nature in the development of the research and in the writing of the article.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: Obligation to explicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations. Also, indicate any funding from agencies and/or projects from which the research article arises.

– Errors in published articles: Notify the editorial team of any relevant errors or inaccuracies so that they can make the necessary corrections.

Responsibility: Responsibility for what is written is supported by an in-depth analysis of the most current and relevant scientific literature on the subject, and its discussion. Commitment to respond to any suggestions from editors and evaluators in a timely manner.