Literary Genre and Feminist Writing. The avant-garde marks of Fina Warschaver


  • Carina González Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Avant-garde, Feminist novel, Repression, Censorship, Identity


The avant-garde project put into practice some questions related to the link between art and society, the role of artist and the origin and form of the work of art itself.  All these elements are revisited by the new feminist literary approach. This essay examines the work of Fina Warschaver (1910-1989) who combines formal innovation and feminist claims into her writings during the 50’s.  From the readings of Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir, authors that set a statement for the future feminist movements, I study how her stories discover new ways of writing gender and genre; on the one hand, I analyze how she incorporates question regarding women oppression into realist political novels and, on the other hand, I investigate how she modifies the rules of minor literary genres such as science fiction to propose a new feminist identity. 


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Author Biography

Carina González, Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Carina González holds a BA in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires. D. at the University of Maryland, United States, where she specialized in migrant writing and exile literatures. She is currently an adjunct researcher at CONICET and professor of Literary Theory and Criticism at UNSAM. Her area of research focuses on the avant-garde and its relationship with feminism. Her latest works examine the work of Fina Warschaver and Armonía Somers and have appeared in prestigious academic journals such as Anclajes (Argentina), Cuadernos del Sur (Argentina), Brunal (Spain) and Hispamérica (United States).


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How to Cite

González, C. (2023). Literary Genre and Feminist Writing. The avant-garde marks of Fina Warschaver. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 53(2), 29–57. Retrieved from


