The sound art in the hispanic-american creoles. Music, dance and poetry


  • Cristina Alfonso von Matuschka Centro de Filosofía Clásica, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Friedenthal, music, dance, poetry, creole, America


The first edition of Musik, Tanz und Dichtung bei den Kreolen Amerikas (1913) is pioneer in revealing, with European discipline and technical mastery, the train of poetic thought and the sonic beauties of the Creoles, together with its complementary publication of 1911. The novelty lies in the reliable method that goes from the whole to the parts, with a joint vision. Part of the interdisciplinary analysis of written and oral sources, of transcriptions made by the author himself and testimonies collected in the place of origin of each artistic work. Albert Friedenthal (1862-1921), german pianist and musicgrapher, knew how to perceive different times, attending to the process of other cultures and their sound systems according to inherent rules. His meticulous work led him to preserve the musical languages of Spanish-American places, projecting his research in a European context. More than hundred years later, this abundant archive preserves the key to invaluable well-founded contributions.


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How to Cite

Alfonso von Matuschka, C. (2023). The sound art in the hispanic-american creoles. Music, dance and poetry. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 53(1), 13–38. Retrieved from