Essential Basic Urban Services in the City of Santa Fe. Urban Planning Indicator


  • María Mercedes Cardoso Universidad Nacional del Litoral/FHUC – CONICET, Santa Fe, Argentina.


basic urban services, urban planning, space efficiency, urban fragmentation, landuse planning


Planning is mainly characterized by anticipating actions in order to achieve certain objectives by the efficient use of means. Since the essential basic urban services must be guaranteed by the state, and resources are limited, it is essential to find out which sectors of a city have more needs, and to analyze the degree of adjustment of service coverage to the principle of space efficiency. In the District of Santa Fe, a diagnosis of homes with NBI (the Spanish acronym for "unsatisfied basic needs") was presented at a census radio scale, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Census in 2010. An index of basic essential services coverage was designed, consisting of three variables (homes with tap water, sewer, and gas line network). The living conditions are not optimal in the places where the networks of these services do not cover the whole territory, coinciding with the highest levels of population with NBI. The application of the correlation index specifically indicates the relationship between the population with NBI and the levels of service coverage. The use of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) tools allows to map radios with more critical situations.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, M. M. (2019). Essential Basic Urban Services in the City of Santa Fe. Urban Planning Indicator . Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 13(25), 171–195. Retrieved from



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