Proposal for a geographical model through the visión of city-region. Study case the Municipality of Montería, Colombia (2020)


  • Ana Gladis Peinado Villalobos Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
  • Osvaldo Leyva Camacho Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México
  • Adriana Arias Vallejo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México



city-region, corema, model, geography


The objective of this article was to propose a territorial organization model for the municipality of
Monteria (Colombia) from the city-region approach and corematic. Methodologically, a
bibliographic review was made on territorial models through chorems, as ways of synthesizing
statistical, heuristic and design information in schemes; The cartographic base of the municipality
was taken, with which the delimitation of the study area was made, the territorial dynamics were
identified by adapting what was proposed by the basic authors Breheny and Rookwood (1994)
and Ravetz (2000) with the information available. Based on physical-natural, social, economic
and land use variables, the homogeneous regions that are finally schematized in the chorem were
determined. This article resulted in a proposal for territorial organization through a city-region
model that shows the structure of the territory in areas with homogeneous characteristics in their
interior but differentiated from the rest, which facilitates their understanding and serves as a basis
for their subsequent use in territorial planning instruments.


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How to Cite

Peinado Villalobos, A. G., Leyva Camacho, O. ., & Arias Vallejo , A. . (2021). Proposal for a geographical model through the visión of city-region. Study case the Municipality of Montería, Colombia (2020). Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 15(30), 30–49.



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