Placemaking for Piura

Methodological contribution in the management of post-covid interventions




placemaking, COVID-19, citizen participation, Humanization of public space, public management


In the city of Piura, in Peru, there are not many places for social interaction and free time activities because it has grown unevenly with few urban planning tools and very low social interest. The study shows the possibilities of Placemaking and introduces it as a tool in public management process. The aim of this mechanism is to carry out small-scale interventions, without concluding in the implementation of a specific project. Through qualitative tools it is expected to demostrate the application opportunities; and under an evaluation system, in relation to the 11 principles of Placemaking, recognize the limitations to be overcome. In this way, it is intended to encourage investigation into public urban intervention processes that include the citizen factor.


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How to Cite

Calle Castillo, A., Zavala , M., & Schroeder , S. . (2022). Placemaking for Piura: Methodological contribution in the management of post-covid interventions. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 16(31), 9–34.