Between the valorization of democracy and the collusion with the dictatorship: Political Parties in Corrientes during the ‘Liberating Revolution’


  • María del Mar Solís Carnicer Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas
  • Leandro Nahuel Castelo Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas



political parties, Corrientes, liberating revolution


In this article we discuss the experience of antiperonist political parties in the government of the self-proclaimed Liberating Revolution in Corrientes province. Throughout it, we seek to identify the role they assumed in the Federal Intervention, their leaderships, structures and processes of conflict and division, which occurred both within themselves and extra-party level. The work applies theoretical and methodological tools from Political History and the regional approach, with the intention of contributing to the different interpretations of the politics of the period from a provincial perspective. We focus on the analysis of the local written press, specifically the newspapers El Liberal and La Mañana, and other documents such as the Intervention decrees, government reports, correspondence - personal and official - and the oral testimony of one of its actors.

In the open scenario after the military coup, the return to political activity was intertwine by a process of general reorganization in the parties that, occasionally, generated crisis and divisions. The identity reconfigurations and the adaptation of the programs to the new reality derived in a constant transition between the defense of democratic values ​​and the support for the military government.


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How to Cite

Solís Carnicer, M. del M., & Castelo, L. N. (2021). Between the valorization of democracy and the collusion with the dictatorship: Political Parties in Corrientes during the ‘Liberating Revolution’. Revista De Historia Americana Y Argentina, 56(1), 303–337.



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