Margarita Xirgu and Federico García Lorca, Symbols of Republican Exile Memory. About the World Premiere of La casa de Bernarda Alba in Buenos Aires (1945)


  • Paula Cecilia Simón Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Federico García Lorca, Margarita Xirgu, Buenos Aires, theatre, exile


This essay recalls some important moments of the friendship between Federico García Lorca and Margarita Xirgu in order to reflect on one of the most valuable events in contemporary Argentinian theatre: the premiere of La casa de Bernarda Alba, which took place at Teatro Avenida on March 8, 1945. This fact collaborated decisively with the elevation of García Lorca to the category of symbol of republican culture and identity in exile. We understand this reflection in connection with concept of memory as a process that develops in a specific physical and material environment. For this reason we consider that Buenos Aires, in general, and theather, in particular, constitute an essential part of the topography of the memory of the Republican exile.

Author Biography

Paula Cecilia Simón, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Investigadora Adjunta de CONICET



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How to Cite

Simón, P. C. (2019). Margarita Xirgu and Federico García Lorca, Symbols of Republican Exile Memory. About the World Premiere of La casa de Bernarda Alba in Buenos Aires (1945). Boletín GEC, (24), 142–161. Retrieved from