Monsters, borders and dead: the Argentine gothic in "Under the Black Water", by Mariana Enriquez


  • Inti Soledad Bustos Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Argentine literature, Mariana Enriquez, gothic, civilibarbarism


This article is a proposal for the analysis of the tale "Under the black water", by the Argentine author Mariana Enriquez (1973). The story belongs to the anthology Things We lost in the fire (2016), and puts Buenos Aires conurbano and its characters at the center of the plot, as a key element and trigger for the Gothic action. For this reason, the focus of the analysis is on the urban territory and its derivations. The main theoretical elements that will be useful for this approach are concepts formulated for the study of horror literature (mainly David Punter’s theory on the Gothic genre) and the category of "civilibarbarism" proposed by Elsa Drucaroff to think about many manifestations of the New Argentine Narrative.


Drucaroff, Elsa (2011). Los prisioneros de la torre. Política, relatos y jóvenes en la postdictadura. Buenos Aires: Emecé.

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Punter, David (1980). The Literature of Terror. A History of Gothic Fictions From 1765 to the Present Day. Vol I: The Gothic Tradition. London: Routledge.

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How to Cite

Bustos, I. S. (2020). Monsters, borders and dead: the Argentine gothic in "Under the Black Water", by Mariana Enriquez. Boletín GEC, (25), 28–43. Retrieved from


