Displacement figures

Questioning, shaking, disturbing: Literature and its powers of action





literature, displacement, figure, Roland Barthes


This article conceptualizes the axis of the dossier “Displacement figures”. To do this, first of all, we situate the notion of displacement in relation to literature from the perspective of Roland Barthes. Specifically, we focus on the powers of action of literature: questioning, disturbing, shaking. Secondly, we delimit the notion of Barthesian figure, which is key to understand that, in the texts gathered in the dossier, the notion of displacement appears in a state of dissemination and variation. Finally, we present each of the articles that make up the set.


Barthes, Roland (1998). El placer del texto. México: Siglo XXI.

Barthes, Roland (2004). Lo Neutro. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

Barthes, Roland (2014). Fragmentos de un discurso amoroso. México: Siglo XXI.

Giordano, Alberto (2016). Con Barthes. Santiago de Chile: Marginalia Editores.

Simón, Gabriela (2010). Las semiologías de Roland Barthes. Córdoba: Alción.

Simón, Gabriela (2015). “Pensar en neutro”. Gabriela Simón (coord.), Coreografías de lo Neutro. Escritos sobre literatura argentina contemporánea. Córdoba: Portaculturas. 7-21.



How to Cite

Simón, G., Alós, M. J., & Flores, D. (2023). Displacement figures: Questioning, shaking, disturbing: Literature and its powers of action. Boletín GEC, (31), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.032