Notes on Utopia and Dystopia as Contemporary Dilemmas



utopia, dystopia, imagination, contemporary dilemmas


The purpose of these notes is to present the various papers published in issue 34 of Boletín GEC, especially those that make up the dossier Utopian/dystopian narrative in Spanish (20th and 21st centuries). We review the various articles that comprise it and points out some relevant relationships between them based on a brief theoretical approach to the tensions between utopia and dystopia as dilemmas of our time, a present that has serious problems in devising possibilities not foreseen by the established trend and is characterised rather by a dystopian imaginary of the immediate future, which perceives many monstrosities that were previously contained in fantasy and myth as technologically achievable.

Author Biography

Luis Emilio Abraham, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

PhD in Modern Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). Master in Hispanic Philology from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas of Spain. As a researcher he has devoted himself mainly to literary theory, theatre studies and current theatre in Spanish. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, he has published Escenas que sostienen mundos: Mímesis y modelos de ficción en el teatro (Madrid: CSIC, 2008) and coordinated Análisis de la dramaturgia argentina actual, a volume directed by José Luis García Barrientos (Madrid: Antígona, 2015). Lately, she has been directing projects on literary reading in educational contexts, which are innovative in the field of literary studies in Spanish due to the use of cognitive approaches and empirical methodologies. This allows him to articulate research with the teaching of the different curricular areas he teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo as a full professor: Spanish Literature III, Literary Theories and Didactics of Literature. He edits the Boletín GEC, a scientific-academic journal of the Grupo de Estudios sobre la Crítica Literaria, of which he is a member. She is also a member of the Asociación Argentina de Hispanistas and the Red Internacional de Investigadores Teatrales Latinoamericanos y Europeos (RIITLE) based at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


Claeys, G. (2013). News from Somewhere. History, 98(330), 145-173.

Claeys, G. (2017). Dystopia: A Natural History. Oxford University Press.

Fisher, M. (2016). Realismo capitalista: ¿Hay alternativa? Caja Negra.

Fisher, M. (2022). Constructos flatline: Materialismo gótico y teoría-ficción cibernética. Caja Negra.

Jameson, F. (2009). Arqueologías del futuro: El deseo llamado utopía y otras aproximaciones de ciencia ficción. Akal.



How to Cite

Abraham, L. E. (2024). Notes on Utopia and Dystopia as Contemporary Dilemmas. Boletín GEC, (34), 7–16. Retrieved from