El arte de la “contraconquista” tecnológica.

Mecanismos barrocos en artistas tecnológicxs latinoamericanxs. ¿Lugar de resistencia o táctica de supervivencia?


  • laura nieves undav




Is it possible to define the "baroque procedure" as a resistance strategy typical of Latin American electronic art, to escape the artistic canon defined by the technoscientific paradigm?

The new technologies are conditioned by the cultural horizon in which they are produced; they matter to tastes and habits, making us subalterns concerning a hegemonic sector. If we are denied the place of producers of technology, how can Latin American artists produce technological work if not from a critical reflection on this? This text starts from the mechanisms of the Latin American baroque to approach a journey through some technological art productions, which enable us to infer how the technologies generated in the centers of economic power are incorporated, appropriated, and transformed, but at the same time question the dominant model of techno-scientific development endorsed by the international art market.

I propose this article as an exploration to find baroque traits and attitudes in the works of Latin American technological artists that allow us to build a way of this art in Latin America. Although I have taken for this analysis works by internationally recognized artists of reference in this field (two Argentinean and one Colombian), I believe that it can contribute to the reading of other Latin American artistic-technological productions.


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How to Cite

nieves, laura. (2022). El arte de la “contraconquista” tecnológica.: Mecanismos barrocos en artistas tecnológicxs latinoamericanxs. ¿Lugar de resistencia o táctica de supervivencia?. Cuadernos De Historia Del Arte, 38(38), 113–152. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/cuadernoshistoarte/article/view/5885