Literatures of Argentina. Women's narrative during the first three decades of 20th century (1900 – 1930): heterodoxies, tensions, representations.


  • María Gabriela Boldini


Argentine Literature, Women's literature, 20's, Heterodoxy


This work explores the narrative work of a group of Argentine writers that produced during the first three decades of the twentieth century. We propose as hypotheses that these productions enable heterodox routes to read and problematize the canonical and monolithic construct of "Argentine literature". That's why we prefer to talk about "Argentina Literatures," in a plural form.

The purpose of this article is to describe the heterodox characteristics of this literature. In particular, we will refer to the literary work of the following writers: Herminia Brumana, Victorina Malharro, Sara Papier, Rosalba Aliaga Sarmiento, Ada María Elflein, Victoria Gucovsky, Delfina Bunge de Gálvez and Josefina Marpons.

Although this era is characterized by the emergence of the first feminist movements, women's writing still occupies a marginal and subaltern place within the literary field. Besides, stigmatization towards literate still persists. In this work, we will observe that heterodoxy is also associated with rhetoric of mass literature. Women's writing, on the other hand, reconfigures the canonical paradigms of nationalist and proletarian of the time.


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How to Cite

Boldini, M. G. . (2019). Literatures of Argentina. Women’s narrative during the first three decades of 20th century (1900 – 1930): heterodoxies, tensions, representations. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(1), 33–57. Retrieved from