The subversion of madness: (un)writing confinement. La terra santa and L’altra verità by Alda Merini


  • Laura Elizabeth Martín Osorio Facultad de Filosofía y Letras- Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Madness, Captivity, Feminisms, Poetry


In this paper we propose to address two literary works by the Italian writer Alda Merini, La terra santa and L’altra verità. Diario di una diversa, from a feminist perspective. We aim to research how these texts contribute to expose certain forms of captivity to which women are subjected because of their gender. We will delve into her writing with the intention of finding in it a possible emancipatory potential that reveals said oppression and is able to show the hidden face of certain subaltern existences. For our analysis, we will use the theoretical postulates of Franca Basaglia in Mujer, locura y sociedad and those of Marcela Lagarde y de los Ríos in Los cautiverios de las mujeres. Madresposas, monjas, putas, presas y locas.


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BASAGLIA, Franca. (1983) Mujer, locura y sociedad. México: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

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CAMPS, Assumpta. (2001). Historia de la literatura italiana contemporánea. Volumen II. 1º ed. Virtual.

FRIEDAN, Betty. (1965) La mística de la feminidad. Barcelona: Sagitario Ediciones.

LAGARDE Y DE LOS RÍOS, Marcela. (2015) Los cautiverios de las mujeres. Madresposas, monjas, putas, presas y locas. México: Siglo XXI Editores.

RICH, Adrienne. (1983) Sobre mentiras, secretos y silencios. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.

SPIVAK, Gayatri Chakravorty. (2003) "¿Puede hablar el subalterno?" En: Revista Colombiana de Antropología. Volumen 39, Colombia: Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia.

ZORAT, Ambra. (2009) La poesia femminile italiana dagli anni Settanta a oggi. Percorsi di analisi testuale, Tesi di dottorato di ricerca in italianistica, Université Paris IV Sorbonne e Università degli Studi di Trieste.



How to Cite

Martín Osorio, L. E. . (2019). The subversion of madness: (un)writing confinement. La terra santa and L’altra verità by Alda Merini. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 49(2), 37–50. Retrieved from

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