Snapshots of a fever


  • Claudia Costanzo Universidad Abierta


Pandemic, Background, Ego, Muzzio, Blanes, Trascendence


Diego Muzzio's trilogy of nouvelles, Las esferas invisibles (2015), which narrates episodes associated with the "yellow fever" in 1871 in Buenos Aires, constitutes the corpus of this analysis which seeks out in these short stories of an epidemic -one of the latest works before the current pandemic- the profile of certains components  of the background of Modernity that are presumably fading since the current pandemic. The focal points will be the issues of "trascedence" and "ego". We will make use of the Blanes'painting (An episode of the yellow fever in Buenos Aires, 1871) as an hermeneutical tool in order to delve in to the aforementioned analysis.


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How to Cite

Costanzo, C. (2020). Snapshots of a fever. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 50(1), 13–42. Retrieved from