Topic: cultural habitus and heterodoxy in the metateatral structure of Historia de una escalera, by Antonio Buero Vallejo


  • Amon Paul Ndri Universidad Alassane Ouattara de Bouaké


Habitus, Heterodoxy, Orthodoxy, Fields, Subject


Historia de una escalera aesthetically collects the elements of the heterodox consciousness of the individual subject that prolongs the matrix lines of the cultural subject that is inherent to it. The signifiers of this piece are those that mediate the socio-economic components that run through it. That is why, within the reception process, far from being an insignificant element, "the ladder" is the metonymy of the social contradictions that reveal the existence of a non-unambiguous thought. What is more, it is a hinge that turns around the cultural fields proper to the heterodoxy of the anti-conformist self versus the refractory orthodoxy of the establishment. The sectors of mentality in presence determine the ideological confrontation that generates a certain functionality in the work. The characters involved in it perfectly remind us of the existence of an ideological dichotomy called to be overcome by the dynamics of action. Hence, the tragic conscience that does not end in death, but in the ethical feeling of not agreeing with social immobility. That is why, in the midst of the confusion created, a gap is opened through which a new horizon and a new being are contemplated.


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How to Cite

Ndri, A. P. (2021). Topic: cultural habitus and heterodoxy in the metateatral structure of Historia de una escalera, by Antonio Buero Vallejo. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 51(1), 53–72. Retrieved from


