Resonances of sartrean existentialism and the camusian philosophy of the absurd in Zama by Antonio Di Benedetto


  • Nicolás Torre Giménez Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Antonio Di Benedetto, Zama, El silenciero, Los suicidas, existensialism, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre


In this work, the novel Zama by Antonio Di Benedetto is related to the philosophical thought of Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre. Firstly, the relevance of an existentialist reading of the author's so-called "trilogy of waiting", that is, his novels Zama, El silenciero and Los suicidas is justified. Subsequently, some keys are provided for reading each of the three novels in relation to three forms of escape from the feeling of the absurd that appear in Le Mythe de Sisiphe by Albert Camus: vain hope, worldly occupation and suicide. Finally, the case of Zama and its thematic affinity with the authors linked to the existentialism are analyzed in greater depth.


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How to Cite

Torre Giménez, N. (2022). Resonances of sartrean existentialism and the camusian philosophy of the absurd in Zama by Antonio Di Benedetto. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 52(1), 91–113. Retrieved from


