Inhabiting the City

Reflections on the right to the city and urban facilities, based on a qualitative approach.


  • Estefanía Jáuregui Laboratorio de Investigaciones del Territorio y el Ambiente. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Provincia de Buenos Aires (LINTA-CIC)



Right to the city, Urban facilities, Habitat


The article introduces a qualitative approach from a habitat and right to the city focus, aiming to reflect citizens of Punta Lara (Ensenada, Buenos Aires) perspective in relation to access to urban facilities, as an essential component of equitable use of cities. Methodologically, it was developed from a semi-structured questionnaire survey, using the coincidental method that made it possible to access inhabitant’s representations in order to infer what degree of satisfaction people find around rights towards urban facilities; complementing with on-site observation technique.

This analysis allowed to glimpse different views of the inhabitants around the satisfaction of rights associated with life in the city in terms of basic urban facilities for living. The study intended to express the importance of inhabitants as the protagonists of living perception and feelings and manifest some of the differences that can be observed between them and quantitative diagnoses; and even that the diversity around these perceptions allows for a more comprehensive approach to territories and their proposals.


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How to Cite

Jáuregui, E. (2021). Inhabiting the City: Reflections on the right to the city and urban facilities, based on a qualitative approach. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 15(29), 130–160.