Walkability: The sustainable and inclusive city rigth


  • Nora Nacif Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Instituto Regional de Planeamiento y Hábitat




sustainable urbanism, social inclusion, indicators


This work is part of a research project developed by multidisciplinary researchers, within a line of research about sustainable urban development. That concept considers social equity, economic efficiency and the preservation of the urban environment as axes of development.

The present work proposes an approach to the study of walkability as a tool to understand the city from the perspective the social inclusion in the general context of the Right to the City concept. The empirical anchoring is made with San Juan city, Argentina.

Walkability is the word used to evaluate how friendly an urban area is to walk for all pedestrians. Especially for those who have difficulty getting around due to various reasons related to their physical condition, gender or age.

Methodologically the work is ordered into three operational stages: The first part is the review and analysis of antecedents relating to the subject. The second part is oriented to make a survey of study area situation, and finally, indicators are proposed to assess the walkability conditions of some areas selected for this purpose in San Juan city.


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How to Cite

Nacif, N. (2021). Walkability: The sustainable and inclusive city rigth. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 15(29), 104–129. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.55.004