Water and Territorial Policy: articulations and disagreements.

Case Study: Mendoza River Basin - Mendoza Metropolitan Area.


  • María Verónica D'Inca
  • Marcela Andino Universidad de Mendoza
  • Líber Martín Universidad de Mendoza https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8827-6479
  • Oscar Razquin Universidad de Mendoza




water resources, water management, Territorial Management, Mendoza River Basin, territorial planning


This work aims to analyze the relationship between water and territorial planning policies in the Mendoza River basin, Province of Mendoza, Argentina.
A critical analysis of each regulation, the different organisms involved, and the instruments applied is conducted to identify some contact points between those elements.
An analysis matrix is developed to recognize the main factors that contribute to achieving integrated river basin management in a territorial planning context.
This comparative investigation and understanding of the management model implemented both for water resources and for territorial planning, lead to identifying the disarticulations between these policies. As a result, they prevent sectoral policies from being overcome towards integrated management of water resources and territorial planning.


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How to Cite

D’Inca, M. V., Andino, M., Martín, L., & Razquin, O. (2024). Water and Territorial Policy: articulations and disagreements.: Case Study: Mendoza River Basin - Mendoza Metropolitan Area. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 18(36), 144–171. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.55.066