Guidelines for Authors

Dossier / Free articles

To submit the article, the document must comply with the following publication standards and use the template found at the end of the following guidelines.

Title of up to 10 words and subtitles (optional) of up to 15 words in Spanish: Uppercase and lowercase, Arial 15, bold, centered alignment. Line spacing 1.5.

Title of up to 10 words and subtitles (optional) of up to 15 words in English: In upper and lower case, Arial 12, bold, centered alignment. Line spacing 1.5

Name and surname of the author(s): uppercase and lowercase, Times New Roman 12, bold, italics, centered alignment.

Email of the author(s): Arial 9, underlined, centered alignment.

Institutional affiliation of the author(s), Arial 9 font, centered alignment. The full name of the institution(s) must be entered; acronyms are not accepted.

The following structure must be respected to indicate the institutional affiliation:

Last name, First name. Higher affiliation. Subordinate entity dependent on the higher institution (faculty, institute, other). Subordinate entity dependent on the subordinate entity (institute or other)

Examples: Rodríguez, Mariela López. National University of Cuyo. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Institute of Cartography, Research and Training for Territorial Planning.

In the case of working in an institution/unit belonging to CONICET, it must be as follows:

Last name, First name. National Scientific and Technical Research Council. Name of the center/institute/unit belonging to the National Scientific and Technical Research Council. Higher affiliation.

Example: Surname, First name. National Council for Scientific and Technical Research - Rosario University Center for Urban and Regional Research. CURDIUR. National University of Rosario.

City and country of the author(s), Arial 9 font, centered alignment.

Summary of the work of up to 200 words in Spanish and English. It should offer a brief summary of the topic, methodology, results and discussion. It should NOT include tables, numbers, references or mathematical expressions. Arial 10 font, single spacing.

Provide between three and five keywords in Spanish and English recognized in thesauri such as UNESCO or Eure. Keywords should not be long sentences.

It is advisable to structure the text in the following way: introduction, development and results.

Extension: between 5000 and 10000 words (includes cover and references)

Format: it is recommended to send in .doc or .docx format.

A4 page size with normal margins. (Bottom 2.5p; Top 2.5p; Left 3.5p and Right 2.5p). Paragraphs should not be indented. They should have 6pt spacing before and 6pt after.

The font should be Arial 11p, 1.5 line spacing. in the body of the text. For quotes of more than 40 words, the text should be in Arial 9p and in a separate paragraph.

In the text, the titles and subtitles will be arranged, up to 2 (two) levels of hierarchy, on the left, in bold, upper and lower case. The first subtitle should be a tab and the others should be italicized (not bold). They should not be numbered.

Images and tables

_ Tables, figures and images should be headed at the top with the expression Table, Fig No. in the corresponding numerical order. At the bottom of the same, place the source (according to APA standards).
_ For the title, text in Arial, 10p and the source, Arial, 9p.
_ They should be included in the content of the article and should always be referred to explicitly in the text (Fig. No. 1).
_ Indicate the units of measurement, the year of the information presented and the corresponding source. If it is your own, indicate: Last name and First name of the author, based on "."

If the photograph is your own, indicate the author's file.

Abbreviations: abbreviations should be clarified the first time they are used in the text, for example: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCUYO). From this clarification, only the abbreviation will be used. It is recommended not to abuse them.

Footnotes: Arial 8p font

Bibliographic references: Only the works and sources mentioned in the body of the text should be cited following the APA edition 7 citation format. The AUTOCITATION tool in Office should be used.

The text format should be Arial 11p, 1.5 line spacing. They should have 12pt spacing before and 12pt after.

*The editorial committee may evaluate or reconsider the non-compliance with some of the preceding rules to the extent that it implies detriment to the article.


The review must be based on books or journals that deal with the subject matter of the journal (geographical and land use studies) and state the structure of the work, its purpose, and the lines of argument on which it is based.

Name and surname of the author(s): in upper and lower case, Arial 12 font, bold, italics, right alignment.

In the footnote, the email address of the author(s) and their institutional affiliation.

Original title of the work on which the review is based: in upper and lower case, Arial 15 font, bold, centered alignment. Line spacing 1.5

Title in English: in upper and lower case, Arial 12 font, bold, centered alignment. Line spacing 1.5

Name of the compiler, author or director of the book/journal on which the review is based. Arial 12, bold, italics, centered alignment.

Length: between 1000 and 2500 words

Document format: it is recommended to send in .doc or .docx format.

Page size A4 with normal margins. (Bottom 2.5p; Top 2.5p; Left 3.5p and Right 2.5p.)

The font should be Arial 11p, line spacing 1.5. in the body of the text and 9p in quotes of more than 40 words.

Paragraphs should not be indented. They should have 6pt spacing before and 6pt after.

Footnotes: Arial 8p font

Resources: Note of originality