Writing and authority. Tell educative scenes in the construction of an emancipatory authority


  • María Beatriz Greco Universidad de Buenos Aires


pedagogical authority, pedagogical narrative, subjectivation


This work reunites two intentions, on the one hand, to situate writing as an experience capable of displacing looks and generating transformations of educative practice. On the other hand, interrogating a construction of pedagogical authority proposed as emancipator (Greco, M.B. 2012), starting from the incitement of subjectivation processes in oneself and others.
The hypothesis developed in this essay implies that leaving intact and without interrogating the concept of authority in education leads to a naturalization of hierarchy in pedagogical relationship, and of "irreversible" effects of subject domination, and maintains a fake dichotomy: either we educate in an authoritarian way, or we renounce to educate. Breaking this opposition is the aim of this essay resorting to writing other types of authority. Simultaneously, it is proposed that the work of narrating is one of the movements which enables to reconfigure that authority place since it is possible to develop it as authorship and growing (Arendt, H. 2005), recognition (Kojève, A. 2006), updated equality (Rancière, J. 2003). It is writing authority which enables the aptitude to interrogate.


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Author Biography

María Beatriz Greco, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones. Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Greco, M. B. (2017). Writing and authority. Tell educative scenes in the construction of an emancipatory authority. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 2, 1–12. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/saberesypracticas/article/view/1030