Reproduction of roles in education and possibility of criticism


  • Patricia Chantefort Facultad de Educación, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Education, Roles, Criticism, Body, Genres


Institutions and educational knowledge constitute a plot of devices that imperatively have the roles to be fulfilled by everyone in society from a stereotyped perspective according to the order of the heteronormative patriarchal system. The present work is presented as objectives: a) Consider different theoretical contributions that make it possible to question and dismantle these stereotypes, giving an account of their origin and what they are based on; b) In line with this, imagine educational practices and speeches that become liberators and cease to curl up in modalities, supposed capacities and pretended knowledge to children, girls and young people allowing "listen" to their bodies, without fear of being "different" and, therefore, without having to live "the own", "the intimate" in absolute solitude. Only attending to these ignored, unknown, ignored aspects can you try to project a world or several possible worlds that are presented as habitable for everyone and that avoid the sufferings that necessarily occur when you cannot leave the established, of the obligatory.


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How to Cite

Chantefort, P. (2019). Reproduction of roles in education and possibility of criticism. Saberes Y prácticas. Revista De Filosofía Y Educación, 4, 1–13. Retrieved from