Paisajear: a cartographic methodology to persue the educations (others) produced inside a factory
Cartographic investigation, Errancy, Movements, Paisajear, Education (others)Abstract
This paper follows the process of epistemological conceptualization and creation-experimentation developed in the investigation Cartographies of an education (others). The purposes of this investigation were focused on map the educative happening in the spatial, temporal and body folds of a factory that makes materials for education located in Medellin. This methodical process was called paisajear, a concept around which we articulate a series of actions focused on create geographic and existential landscapes. The results of its application allude to the configuration of a map of the educational that speaks of the way the bodies make presence in that territory. A movement that wraps bodies over themselves is highlighted, as well as another that wraps bodies and machines in a symbiotic expansion. We also perceive movements that expanded themselves, on the one hand, from the factory to geographical locations: the house, the children's school, and the health center; and on the other, towards existential places: fragments of past experience, obligations with the family group and illusions around the realization of some own project.
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